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Choose a classic board game and model several game pieces.  Game pieces should be relatively simple in nature (Dice, Sorry Pieces, Chess Pieces, etc.)  Afterwards, model the game board itself and use it as a surface. Your game pieces and game board should have materials applied to them as well as custom lighting. Once you have your game board and pieces, set these objects to be rigid bodies and have some new object crash into the scene, sending the pieces scattering in different directions.

Once finished, you should render your scene as a video animation, upload it to Youtube or Vimeo, and link it to your design blog.  Also be sure to take several work-in-progress screenshots from inside of Blender and include them in your blog post as well with very brief text descriptions of each.



For this assignment, I decided to recreate the game Trouble! I started by finding an image of the board and then set my units to inches. The board measures 10.5" x 10.5" x 2" so I created a plane and subdivided it until I had 8 vertices. I moved them to the right position then extruded my board until it was the right size. I duplicated this, sized it down, and rotated it 45 degrees to be the bottom of the dome.

Screen Shot 2021-09-30 at 12.21.33 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-09-29 at 5.27.55 PM.png

After that, I added the dome (half of a sphere) and I added all of the cylinders that hold the pieces by creating a cylinder then using a boolean modifier with the difference of a smaller cylinder. I hid all of the small cylinders and added materials to these objects.

Screen Shot 2021-09-30 at 12.25.20 AM.png

I then added all of my game pieces which were different colored cylinders as well as a die which i added circles to and made them one object.

Screen Shot 2021-09-30 at 12.29.43 AM.png

Finally, I added a plane and colored lights to create my scene and added a purple sphere to hit the die. I wanted the die to be inside the sphere like it is in the game, but I couldn't get the sphere transparency right, so it distorted the die weirdly, so I left it on top. I animated all of my game pieces as you can see in the final video.

Screen Shot 2021-09-30 at 12.35.49 AM.png

Final Video

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