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Configure OBS and layout a basic scene including video, audio, screen capture, and at least one addition type of media source. From there, reflect upon your experiences as a new college student (likely) several semesters ago. Brainstorm, script, and record a short 2-3 minute video explaining to new college students something that you wish you knew at that age. The topic could be on anything from student / social life, to studying habits, to a difficult concept covered in a course that was explained poorly and that you could do more clearly.



I made sure to include video, audio, screen capture, and window capture as my additional media source. 



  • Notion as a tool for organization and note-taking

  • The best places to study that aren't on campus

  • Affordable restaurants in Boulder



Hey there! My name is Hannah, and something I wish I had known about when I started college was Notion, which is a digital way to organize, plan, and take notes. I started using Notion this semester because I had seen a lot of social media posts talking about it, so I decided to give it a shot! Coming from someone who really needs and enjoys being organized, I absolutely love it so far. Because I don't know a whole lot about yet, I'll be going to go over how I utilize it for school. Overall, it's very straightforward and if you need help learning how to use it, Notion's website is a great source and there are countless YouTube tutorials as well.


To get started, you'll want to go to and sign up for an account. It's completely free for personal use! They have paid plans, but unless you're doing work on teams or need extra features, I would stick to the free plan. For the purposes of this video, I'll be setting up a new account so it's exactly what you'd see and then I'll switch over to my real account. I've downloaded the desktop app, but you can also use Notion in a browser if you prefer.


Once you've set up your account, this is what you should see. Notion provides tutorials on each page for every feature which is really nice. The basic idea of Notion is that you can create pages within pages, so everything has a place.


Okay, so this is my Notion set-up. We are currently on my home page. I don't use this page as much, so I've kept it pretty simple. However, I want to point out how customizable Notion is. As you can see, I have an icon for the page as well as a cover which is fun because you add your personality to it.


When it comes to school, I have a page for this semester and with all of my classes which are on their own pages. For Live Streaming, this is how I've set the page up. All of my other classes follow this format too. I have class info with the zoom link, office hours, my teacher's email, and any big assignment dates. I also have a calendar which is how I organize my assignments. I can add reminder times and if you get the app on your phone, reminders will show up which is really nice. Finally, I have pages for notes and homework.

I highly recommend Notion to anyone because it doesn't have to be used only for school — I just wish I knew about it when I was a freshman!


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