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Using your fundamental knowledge of HTML and CSS, create a multi-page, hypertext narrative story.  You are free to choose the theme and subject of your hypertext narrative but it should be thoughtful and creative in nature.  Please avoid projects about skiing / snowboarding, drinking / partying, or “How much you love CU / Boulder”, your pets, etc.  All images, text, video, audio, etc. you include within your hypertext narrative are up to you but should be related to your overall theme.

Your Hypertext Narrative should include a minimum of 10 separate HTML pages.

Your Hypertext Narrative should be 100% coded, from scratch, by you, in HTML and CSS.  If you are using a 3rd party code snippet, you must acknowledge where it came from otherwise the use will be considered plagiarism.  Don’t be afraid, in the realm of web design, code is shared all the time, just be honest about your usage.

The examples shown below are early, influential works within the realm of hypertext narrative.  I challenge all of you to create works that pull from their influence, but are more contemporary in design.

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