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For this project, you will create a thought-out and well developed personal portfolio website for yourself.  The subject matter and content of this project is open ended but should reflect your academic studies, relevant hobbies, and professional ambitions.  The theme and design for this project will arise from the subject matter chosen.  Ideas for specific sections of your website could include (but are not limited to), project gallery, resume, personal statement, "about me" section, past coursework, contact, clubs, interests & volunteering, etc.


The initial homepage file for this project MUST be titled index.html and exist within your web folder online.

Your website will need to have at least five completed sections.  No “coming soon” content.


Your project should be 100% coded, from scratch, by you, in HTML and CSS.  No content management systems such as Squarespace, Wix, Wordpress, etc. are permitted. If you are using a 3rd party code snippet, such as an image slideshow or contact form, you must acknowledge where it came from, otherwise the use will be considered plagiarism.  Don’t be afraid, in the realm of web design, code is shared all the time, just be honest about where you found it.

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