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As you continue to survey the live streaming landscape, begin considering topics and subject matter that you are passionate and knowledgeable on that could become the foundation for a group-based live stream production that is developed and implemented over the remainder of the semester.  Within a design blog post, please brainstorm 2-3 ideas that could be a source of sustainable content for your stream.  Provide examples of specific stream topics within that theme or category.  Also, provide links and example to other individuals (if any) who are currently streaming on similar content to you and screen shots of some of their work to serve as a visual aid.

1. Presentations

Something that has become popularized by Tik Tok is presentation nights. Everyone in the group picks a random topic and makes a short PowerPoint presentation on it. The topics of these presentations are very lighthearted and the more opinionated, the funnier the presentations are because you can include a lot of sarcasm and humor. This could be a great way to learn something new that you wouldn't normally think about. I haven't seen any streamers do this since it's something you would do in person. Example topic ideas: The best and worst dog breeds, ranking characters from a tv show, bad trends I've participated in, etc.


2. Podcast

My second idea is to do a group podcast. I love discovering new artists, so it could be fun to talk about and share music with each other that we're currently enjoying. Other topics can include our favorite movies, current events, sharing our favorite recipes, and answering questions to get to know each other better. I couldn't find any streamers that do music reviews, but I did find a stream where it was a podcast/interview where she asked a lot of this or that questions (left). Another podcast was this group who talked about their experience with streaming and answered questions (right). They also discussed current social justice issues that they care about and shared how viewers can help.


Podcast 2.PNG
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