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Script,  prepare, and schedule for this week's live stream production.  Once prepared, go live at your scheduled time and conduct your stream.  Streaming sessions should likely be 30 minutes on the sorter end and up to 2 hours or more on the longer end.  Experiment and take note of what is working well and what is not. 


My final stream was on 4/20/21 at 6 pm. I wanted to finish my streams off by showing my workspace and each sticker I've made. I organized my desk and the organizers I use and shared my best tips for keeping your space clutter free. While things generally ran smoothly, it started getting dark about halfway through my stream, so I had to turn on a few lights to combat this. Also, because my webcam is wired, there was a short distance between it and my computer so I had to readjust the angle a few times since I couldn't have my computer on my desk. 


See final stream below:

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